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Sweatopedia is a leading source of comprehensive, objective, and accurate information on hyperhidrosis.

Body Areas Affected by Hyperhidrosis

Treating Heat Rashes in the Groin

By Katie Crissman /

Heat rash stinks - and it’s even worse when it affects your crotch. If you have hyperhidrosis on top of that, it can feel downright terrible. Luckily, there are heat rash treatments you can use to get you back on your feet. Here’s everything you need to know about what heat rash and how to treat it.

Heat rash is no fun, and unfortunately for people with a condition called primary focal hyperhidrosis, it is a common occurrence. Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that causes those who have it to sweat excessively from specific parts of the body. The most commonly affected body parts are the hands, feet, armpits, face, and sometimes, the groin.

It is currently estimated that 2.8% of the population struggles with hyperhidrosis, making hyperhidrosis a fairly common ailment. According to a retrospective chart review published in the journal of Dermatologic Clinics only 1.3% of the patients reviewed dealt with excessive sweating of the groin. This means that even though many people deal with hyperhidrosis, not as many have to struggle with the type that affects the skin of the groin.[1] For those that do, sweat rash - known more commonly as heat rash - can be an uncomfortable reality.[2]

What is Heat Rash?

Heat rash is a common type of rash that causes tiny bumps surrounded by red coloring to appear on the affected skin. The skin often feels prickly or stings. Heat rash, like the name implies, is caused by overheating of the skin. It occurs when someone sweats too much, often in response to high temperatures, and sweat ducts become clogged. When this happens the excess sweat leaks into the surrounding tissues and causes the characteristic bumps and stinging.[3]

Due to the fact that people with hyperhidrosis consistently sweat too much, they can easily develop heat rash, especially when exposed to high heat conditions[2]. Heat rash occurs most frequently on parts of the body covered by clothing, like the groin, during hot humid conditions. It tends to improve when the skin cools down and it is not dangerous.[3] Heat rash is also referred to as sweat rash, prickly rash, miliaria rubra, or wildfire rash.[4] Heat rash treatments exist, so don’t worry, there are ways to improve symptoms and prevent it from happening as frequently.

Symptoms of Heat Rash

Are you unsure whether your irritated groin skin is caused by heat rash? Here is a list of symptoms that may indicate that heat rash is indeed your problem:

  • Small itchy red bumps appear on the skin
  • Skin feels itchy, prickly, stings, or burns
  • The rash can appear on several parts of the body at one time[3]
  • There are also some symptoms that can tell you whether your heat rash needs to be inspected by a doctor. If your symptoms don’t resolve on their own in a few days, the skin appears to be infected, you have any other signs of illness like fever, or the rash starts after beginning a new medication then you need to speak with a doctor.[3] Keep reading to learn about heat rash treatment and what you can do to prevent rashes in the future.

    Heat Rash Treatment

    Most of the time, heat rash will resolve on its own without any treatment. It is important to keep skin with heat rash cool and to stay in air conditioned areas. Taking a cool shower or bath and letting skin air dry can also be beneficial. Left untreated, most heat rashes will resolve within a few days.[3]

    However, sometimes heat rash treatment can be beneficial. If you prefer to treat your heat rash here are some ideas:

  • Practical Tips:Keep your skin cool. Stay in an air conditioned environment and wear loose clothes. Don’t apply oily products to your skin that can clog sweat glands. Take cold showers frequently and avoid activities that increase sweating.
  • Topical antibacterial products:Using antibacterial soaps on the affected skin can lessen the duration of symptoms and prevent infections from developing.
  • Anti-itch Products:Products that help with itching can be helpful. These products include calamine lotion, menthol products, camphor based preparations, or topical steroids. It is important to use products with oils very sparingly as they can further clog sweat glands and make the problem worse.
  • Powder talc admixture:This is a type of powder that contains drying milk protein, labilin, and triclosan, an antibacterial product that can help prevent infection. The powder can provide some protection from chafing and infection.[4] Even though products like baby powder can help with sweating, it is important to research before using products that contain talc on your groin as it has been linked to cases of ovarian cancer in some women.[5]
  • Don’t hesitate to use the above heat rash treatments if you are uncomfortable. However, if you have a severe case of heat rash it can last for weeks and be debilitating. It can also lead to more serious secondary infections if it does not heal properly. If the rash develops more serious symptoms then a doctor should be consulted and more serious medical heat rash treatments may need to be used.[4]

    There are ways to prevent sweat production in the groin area, even when someone has a condition like hyperhidrosis. If you are struggling with frequent heat rashes then it may be time to check out some of the treatments that are available for hyperhidrosis in order to prevent further rashes from developing.

    1. Pariser, D. M. (2014). Hyperhidrosis (4th ed., Vol. 32). Amsterdam: Elsevier Pub. Co., 2014. Retrieved from
    2. Nordqvist, C. (2017, December 21). What is hyperhidrosis? Retrieved August 8, 2019, from
    3. What is Heat Rash? (n.d.). Retrieved August 8, 2019, from
    4. Kraft, S. (2017, April 26). What is heat rash and how do we treat it? Retrieved July 31, 2019, from
    5. Talcum Powder and Cancer. (n.d.). Retrieved August 8, 2019, from
    Body Areas Affected by Hyperhidrosis

    Why Do I Sweat in My Groin Area?

    By Chris Reid /

    Excessive groin sweating is an embarrassing issue for many people. Here are some signs that your groin sweating may warrant further investigation:

  • Soaking through undergarments on a regular basis
  • Itching
  • Bad odor
  • Chafing
  • Irritation
  • If you are experiencing several of the above symptoms as a result of groin sweat then you may want to consider possible causes and treatment options. Here are several potential reasons that people experience excessive groin sweat.[1]

    Primary Focal Hyperhidrosis

    Primary focal hyperhidrosis (PFH) is one reason that many people experience excessive groin sweating.[2] This a condition that causes excessive sweating on specific areas of the body, including the hands, feet, face, armpits, and sometimes, the groin. When someone has PFH that affects the groin region it is often medically referred to as Hexsel’s hyperhidrosis. This type of hyperhidrosis can affect the inside surfaces of the upper thighs, the front of the pubic region, external genitalia, and sometimes the gluteal cleft. About 2.8% of the US population has some form of PFH which makes is fairly common. The number of people who have hyperhidrosis and are affected by groin sweating is unknown, but it is thought to be less common than other types of PFH. About 50% of people who have Hexsel’s hyperhidrosis have a family history of the condition which suggests that it is a heritable condition. There are many treatment options that can help people with hyperhidrosis to stop or decrease their groin sweat production so medical intervention is worth looking into. PFH usually begins around puberty and is a lifelong condition.[3]

    Secondary Generalized Hyperhidrosis

    Secondary generalized hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes excessive sweating all over the body. It typically develops suddenly and is caused by a specific factor such as disease or condition that causes secondary hyperhidrosis, or as a side effect of a medication. While secondary hyperhidrosis does not specifically affect the groin region, it can cause excessive groin sweating. However, it would probably cause sweating on other parts of the body as well. If you suspect that you might have groin sweat that is a result of secondary hyperhidrosis then you should speak with a doctor. This is because, in certain cases, it can be caused by a serious underlying medical condition. In order to resolve secondary hyperhidrosis doctors typically treat the underlying medical issue or discontinue the medication that is causing hyperhidrosis as a side effect.[3]

    Technically, excessive groin sweating that is caused by a medical condition is classified as secondary hyperhidrosis.[3] Below is a list of medical conditions that could be causing you to experience excessive groin sweating:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)
  • Anxiety disorders or stress
  • Obesity
  • Certain medications like antidepressants, pain medications, hypoglycemic agents, and many others.
  • Many others
  • In some cases the causes of excessive groin sweating can differ between men and women. For example, women may experience secondary hyperhidrosis as a result of pregnancy or menopause.[1]


    When someone has hyperhidrosis they often sweat in the absence of normal sweat-inducing stimuli like heat or exercise which is what it is considered to be a dysfunctional reason for sweating. However, sometimes people can experience excessive groin sweat for normal physiological reasons. This is often the case for people who regularly engage in intense physical exercise. If you are exercising and experience groin sweating as a result, this is most likely a normal phenomenon. It is still important to maintain proper hygiene even if excessive groin sweating is caused by exercise. Otherwise, people can experience the same uncomfortable issues as those who struggle with hyperhidrosis.[4] It is also important to note that exercise induced groin sweating can lead to secondary conditions like bacterial infections, fungal infections, chafing, and irritation if left unaddressed.[5]

    Lifestyle Habits

    While lifestyle habits typically won’t cause groin sweating to be extreme by themselves, they can contribute to the problem. Sometimes people experience an increase in groin sweat because they are not wearing breathable underwear. It is normal for the groin to sweat to some degree in response to heat and restrictive undergarments can make sweating significantly worse. It is best to stick with cotton underwear as they are breathable and made of natural fibers so they are less likely to cause an allergic reaction[4] Men may prefer to use boxers instead of briefs or boxer briefs. The use of caffeine or alcohol in large quantities can also cause sweating to worsen, so modifying the consumption of these beverages may help. Finally, it is important to maintain a healthy weight, practice good hygiene, and use antiperspirant if necessary to reduce sweat production and keep your skin healthy.[5]

    1. Is the Sweating Between My Legs Excessive? (n.d.). Retrieved July 1, 2019, from
    2. Hexsel, D. M., Dal'Forno, T. D., & Hexsel, C. L. (2004). Inguinal, or Hexsel’s Hyperhidrosis. Clinics in Dermatology, 22, 53-59. Retrieved June 27, 2019, from
    3. Pariser, D. M. (2014). Hyperhidrosis (4th ed., Vol. 32). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
    4. Eske, J. (2018, November 16). What causes sweating around the vagina? Retrieved July 1, 2019, from
    5. What Causes Excessive Testicular Sweating, and How Can I Treat It? (n.d.). Retrieved July 1, 2019, from
    Body Areas Affected by Hyperhidrosis

    Upper Lip Sweat

    By Katie Crissman /

    Many people struggle with upper lip sweat.

    While there are multiple reasons for this issue, the most common reason people sweat on from their face is because they have a condition called primary focal hyperhidrosis.

    Primary focal hyperhidrosis (PFH) is a condition that causes people to sweat excessively from specific areas of the body including the hands, feet, armpits, and face.[1]

    Excessive facial sweating is often referred to as craniofacial hyperhidrosis and this type of hyperhidrosis often affects various parts of the face and scalp, including the upper lip area.

    Luckily, there are several treatments that people can try to reduce upper lip sweating and improve their quality of life.[1]

    Causes of Excessive Upper Lip Sweating

    It is important to distinguish why someone has an issue with excessive upper lip sweat because the type of treatment a person receives will depend on the cause of their sweating.

    Unlike primary focal hyperhidrosis, which doesn’t have a well understood cause, secondary generalized hyperhidrosis is caused by a specific underlying medical condition or medication.

    Certain diseases and conditions cause secondary hyperhidrosis including hyperthyroidism, some cancers, HIV, some infections like tuberculosis, and several others.

    Secondary hyperhidrosis can also be caused by medicines like antidepressants, painkillers, hypoglycemic agents, and many of types of medicines. 

    In some rare cases, upper lip sweating can be caused by a type of hyperhidrosis called gustatory hyperhidrosis.

    Gustatory sweating is occurs when people eat certain foods which makes them flush and sweat profusely from the face.

    This type of sweating is very uncommon, but it should be considered if facial sweating occurs only when eating or thinking about food. Most of the time gustatory sweating is caused by an injury or damage to the parotid gland.[1]

    Treatments for Upper Lip Sweating

    If you are struggling with upper lip sweat caused by primary focal hyperhidrosis then there are several ways to manage your symptoms.

    Antiperspirant: There are some antiperspirants for places like the face and groin that have sensitive skin and it may be beneficial to try these products before moving on to more intensive options.[1]

    1% topical hydrocortisone cream can greatly reduce irritation caused by antiperspirants when used on the face.[3]

    Anticholinergic medications can be applied topically or taken in a pill form. This type of medication stops the body from producing sweat and is often used once local therapies have failed.

    Topical formulations of anticholinergic medications have the benefit that they cause less side effects than when the pill form is taken.

    Oral anticholinergics can cause systemic side effects and the benefits need to be weighed against the risks. For people with intense facial and upper lip sweating medications can provide much needed relief.[3]

    Botox offers another great option for treating craniofacial hyperhidrosis and it can be used to treat specific areas like the upper lip.

    The FDA has approved botox for the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis, but it has been used with promising efficacy in patients with craniofacial hyperhidrosis.

    Unfortunately, complications can arise and muscles in the face can be weakened by botox exposure.

    This is why it is imperative to consult an experienced doctor and know the risks before undergoing any type of procedure.

    When upper lip sweating is treated by botox there is also a risk that patients may experience pursing of the lips or a change in speech patterns which are temporary side effects, but which can be serious. It is relatively uncommon for patients to experience side effects from the procedure and many get great results that allow them to live without symptoms for months at a time.[1]

    Surgery. If patients have severe upper lip sweating and haven’t responded to any other treatments, there is a type of surgery that may be able to improve symptoms. 

    This type of surgery is called endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy and it is typically used to relieve the symptoms of palmar hyperhidrosis. It has been found to be effective in people with craniofacial sweating, but should be used as a last result as it is an intensive and invasive procedure. Unfortunately, a side effect of the surgery called compensatory sweating may limit how beneficial the surgery is in terms of improving a person’s quality of life.[3]

    If you suffer from excessive upper lip sweat, it is important to find a way to manage your symptoms. There are effective treatments and they often greatly improve patient's quality of life.

    1. Pariser, D. M. (2014). Hyperhidrosis (4th ed., Vol. 32). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier
    2. Nicholas, R., Quddus, A., & Baker, D. M. (2015). Treatment of Primary Craniofacial Hyperhidrosis: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, 16(5), 361-370. doi:10.1007/s40257-015-0136-6
    3. Craniofacial hyperhidrosis can usually be managed pharmacologically, but surgery may sometimes be needed. (2016). . Drugs & Therapy Perspectives, 32(5), 191-194. doi:10.1007/s40267-016-0282-9
    Body Areas Affected by Hyperhidrosis

    How to Stop Excessive Foot Sweating

    By Katie Crissman /

    While there is no exact standard as to how much foot sweat is too much in a 24 hour period, there are ways to determine whether you are sweating in excess of what is normal or not. It is normal to sweat from your feet during periods of intense activity and when exposed to high heat. However, many people struggle with a condition called hyperhidrosis which causes causes them to sweat excessively. Hyperhidrosis is defined as sweating that is in excess of what the body needs for thermoregulation. Typically, people sweat in order to cool down their body temperature, but when someone sweats so much that it is no longer serving this function it is considered to be excessive.[1]

    There are two main types of hyperhidrosis: primary focal hyperhidrosis and secondary generalized hyperhidrosis. Both types can cause someone to have excessively sweaty feet, but primary focal hyperhidrosis is more likely to affect the feet. Primary focal hyperhidrosis causes excessive sweating on specific parts of the body like the hands, feet, armpits, face, and head. According to a retrospective chart review published in the Journal of Dermatologic Clinics, about 25% of people with hyperhidrosis have palmar (hand) and plantar (foot) involvement while only 15.5% of people have hyperhidrosis that only affects their feet. Even though that seems like a relatively small number of people, about 2.8% of the US population has hyperhidrosis so it is relatively high number of people who are affected.[1]

    If you aren’t sure whether or not your foot sweating is excessive, there are certain signs that can alert you to whether or not you might have hyperhidrosis. People with hyperhidrosis can sweat up to four times more than the average person and this can have a negative on their quality of life.[2] Here are some ways that excessively sweaty feet may interfere with your life if you have a problem:

  • Your shoes are consistently soaked, stained, or destroyed by your constant production of sweat.
  • You have difficulties wearing flip flops, sandals, and slippers because the sweat on your feet causes them to be slippery.
  • You struggle to walk around barefoot because your feet are so wet.
  • You need to wear especially absorbent socks in order to keep your feet and shoes dry.
  • Your feet are often cold because of the constant presence of sweat.[1]
  • If you sweat so much from your feet that you are experiencing some or many of the symptoms listed above, you are probably sweating in excess of what is normal. Another way to determine whether you are sweating too much from your feet is to determine how it is affecting your life. If you think about your sweating frequently and often change your behaviors to deal with it, then you are probably sweating more than the average person. For example, if you refuse to wear flip flops because you know they won’t stay on your feet because of sweating, then you are sweating too much.[2]

    If you suspect that you have hyperhidrosis then it is a good idea to speak with a dermatologist, as the are the best type of doctors to treat hyperhidrosis. Doctors have several tools to measure whether you have hyperhidrosis. Most of the time, doctors will administer a type of questionnaire that asseses how much sweating is impacting a person’s life. One of these questionnaires is called the Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale (HDSS). This questionnaire has patients rank their symptoms on a scale from 1 to 4, with higher scores corresponding to more severe symptoms. Doctors also use other types of self-reporting questionnaires to determine whether or not a patient has hyperhidrosis and to determine how severe it is.[1]

    There are also other types of tests that doctors can use to determine how much you are sweating, but they are not normally needed to assess whether or not someone has hyperhidrosis. These types of tests include the iodine-starch test, skin conductance, and a thermoregulatory sweat test.[3] An iodine starch test can be used to outline the area where excessive sweating is occuring. In this test an iodine solution is spread over the area in question and a few minutes later starch powder is sprinkled over the area. The starch and iodine interact in the presence of sweat and create a purplish color. This can tell the doctor how much a person is sweating and where the specific problem is. It also allows doctors to determine whether hyperhidrosis treatments, like botox injections, are working or not.[4] Skin conductance tests and thermoregulatory tests are not typically needed for a hyperhidrosis diagnosis, but they can help to determine how much sweat a person is producing.

    If you do find that you sweat more from your feet than is normal, there are many treatments for sweaty feet that you can look into. Treatments for hyperhidrosis tend to be quite effective, so talk to a doctor if your sweaty feet are getting you down.

    1. Pariser, D. M. (2014). Hyperhidrosis (4th ed., Vol. 32). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier
    2. Nguyen, A. (n.d.). How Much Sweating Is Excessive? Retrieved May 31, 2019, from
    3. Hyperhidrosis. (n.d.). Retrieved May 31, 2019, from
    4. Haider, A., & Solish, N. (2005). Focal hyperhidrosis: Diagnosis and management. CMAJ, 172(1), 69-75. Retrieved May 31, 2019, from
    Body Areas Affected by Hyperhidrosis

    How Much Should my Feet Sweat in a Day?

    By Katie Crissman /

    Is not at all an option? 

    While there is no exact standard as to how much foot sweat is too much in a 24 hour period, there are ways to determine whether you are sweating in excess of what is normal or not.


    • During periods of intense activity
    • When exposed to high heat
    • Unbreathable fabrics

    However, many people struggle with a condition called hyperhidrosis which causes causes them to sweat excessively.

    Hyperhidrosis is defined as sweating that is in excess of what the body needs for thermoregulation. 

    Two types of excessive foot sweat: 

    Both types can cause someone to have excessively sweaty feet, but primary focal hyperhidrosis is more likely to affect the feet.

    Primary focal hyperhidrosis causes excessive sweating on specific parts of the body like the hands, feet, armpits, face, and head.

    2.8% of the US population has hyperhidrosis and 25% of those people have palmer (foot) hyperhidrosis so it is relatively common.[1]

    Unsure if your foot sweating is excessive, here are signs you might have hyperhidrosis: 

    • You have to change your socks at least once during the day
    • Your shoes and socks reek at the end of the day
    • You leave footprints on floors (really)
    • You are prone to blisters and moisture-caused irritation
    • You hesitate to remove your shoes in front of others
    • You take into account sweat when choosing which shoes to wear
    • Your shoes are consistently soaked, stained, or destroyed by your constant production of sweat
    • You have difficulties wearing flip flops, sandals, and slippers because the sweat on your feet causes them to be slippery
    • You struggle to walk around barefoot because your feet are so wet
    • Your feet are often cold because of the constant presence of sweat[1]

    If you sweat so much from your feet that you are experiencing some or many of the symptoms listed above, you are probably sweating in excess of what is normal.

    If you suspect that you have hyperhidrosis then it is a good idea to speak with a dermatologist, as the are the best type of doctors to treat hyperhidrosis.

    What will the doctor do? 

    First up, you'll likely fill out a questionnaire that assesses how much sweating is impacting your life. One of these questionnaires is called the Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale (HDSS).

    This questionnaire has patients rank their symptoms on a scale from 1 to 4, with higher scores corresponding to more severe symptoms.

    Doctors also use other types of self-reporting questionnaires to determine whether or not a patient has hyperhidrosis and to determine how severe it is.[1]

    Other tests:

    • Iodine-starch test
    • Skin conductance
    • Rhermoregulatory sweat test[3]

    An iodine starch test can be used to outline the area where excessive sweating is occurring.

    In this test an iodine solution is spread over the area in question and a few minutes later starch powder is sprinkled over the area.

    The starch and iodine interact in the presence of sweat and create a purplish color. This can tell the doctor how much a person is sweating and where the specific problem is. It also allows doctors to determine whether hyperhidrosis treatments, like botox injections, are working or not.[4]

    Skin conductance tests and thermoregulatory tests are not typically needed for a hyperhidrosis diagnosis, but they can help to determine how much sweat a person is producing.

    If you do find that you sweat more from your feet than is normal, there are many treatments for sweaty feet that you can look into.


    1. Pariser, D. M. (2014). Hyperhidrosis (4th ed., Vol. 32). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier
    2. Nguyen, A. (n.d.). How Much Sweating Is Excessive? Retrieved May 31, 2019, from
    3. Hyperhidrosis. (n.d.). Retrieved May 31, 2019, from
    4. Haider, A., & Solish, N. (2005). Focal hyperhidrosis: Diagnosis and management. CMAJ, 172(1), 69-75. Retrieved May 31, 2019, from
    Body Areas Affected by Hyperhidrosis

    Do I Have Hyperhidrosis? Find Out with This Simple Test

    By Katie Crissman /

    Wonder if you are sweating more than the average person? If sweat is regularly drowning your plans then take this quiz to find out whether you might have a condition called hyperhidrosis. It is a treatable medical condition that causes people to sweat in excess of what is needed by the body.

    1. Do you sweat even when it’s cool out and you are dressed in light-weight clothing?

    1. Yes
    2. No

    2. Have you been self-conscious about sweating for as long as you can remember, or at least since your teenage years?

    1. Yes
    2. No

    3. Do you sweat excessively more often during the day or the night?

    1. Day
    2. Night
    3. Both! It stinks.
    4. Neither, I don't sweat very often.

    4. When you sweat, is it brought on by exercise or being in a hot environment the majority of the time?

    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Sometimes, but other times I sweat for no apparent reason

    5. Have you started sweating more since beginning a new medication?

    1. Yes, now that I think about it...
    2. No, I sweat no matter what - always have!
    3. No, I don't sweat much.

    6. Do you sweat a ton when you are in an anxiety-producing situation, like public speaking or when performing?

    1. Yep, like a fountain.
    2. A little more, but not enough to notice much.
    3. Nope! Not at all.

    7. Do your sandals slip off and your socks get soaked regularly because your feet are so wet from sweating?

    1. Yes, half the time I don’t even bother wearing sandals anymore.
    2. Sometimes, but not unless I’m very active and it doesn’t bother me.
    3. No, I didn’t even know people’s feet could sweat!

    8. Do you have sweaty palms so often that it feels awkward to shake someone’s hand?

    1. Yes, I completely dread doing that.
    2. No, I never really thought about it.

    9. Do other people notice that you are sweating and make comments on it?

    1. Yes, it’s embarrassing.
    2. No one has ever said anything…

    10. Do you change your clothes multiple times a day because they are wet from sweating?

    1. Yes, I end up doing so much extra laundry!
    2. Only if I work out.

    Use the key below to score your quiz and see if you have hyperhidrosis or not:

    If your answers are:

    1. a.
    2. a.
    3. a. or c.
    4. b. or c.
    5. b.
    6. a.
    7. a.
    8. a.
    9. a.
    10. a.

    It sounds like you may have Primary Focal Hyperhidrosis:

    Based on the answers you selected it sounds like you are sweating more than the average person, and that this has been an ongoing problem for you. Primary focal hyperhidrosis usually begins early in a person’s life and impacts specific areas of the body like the hands, feet, face, and armpits. For those with primary focal hyperhidrosis, sweating is always an issue, but it is usually worse during times of stress and anxiety. Of course, it is necessary to speak with a doctor before any diagnosis can be made. This type of hyperhidrosis is not dangerous and there are many things that can be done to manage your sweat. Try antiperspirant first, it is an over-the-counter topical treatment for hyperhidrosis specifically designed to reduce sweating. Consult a doctor if conservative measures are not working for you as there are many things that can be done to help. Don’t let sweat dampen your life!

    If your answers are:

    1. a.
    2. b.
    3. b.
    4. b. or c.
    5. a.
    6. a. or b.
    7. b. or c.
    8. b.
    9. a.
    10. a.

    It sounds like you may have Secondary Generalized Hyperhidrosis:

    Your answers indicate that you are sweating excessively all over your body, but that it is a relatively new thing. You may also be experiencing frequent night sweats. Secondary hyperhidrosis can be triggered by a multitude of things including medication, disease, or even age-related changes. It is very important that you manage this type of hyperhidrosis with a doctor soon because its causes can be serious. This quiz is not a proper diagnostic tool but based on your results you should seek medical care. In the meantime, you should use an antiperspirant, in addition to deodorant, to control your sweating.

    If your answers are:

    1. b.
    2. b.
    3. d.
    4. a.
    5. c.
    6. b. or c.
    7. b. or c.
    8. b.
    9. b.
    10. b.

    It sounds like you don’t have a major problem with sweating!

    Congratulations! Based on your answers to this quiz it doesn’t seem like you are experiencing any problems related to sweat! Carry on! But if you feel like you need a little extra help you can always try an over-the-counter topical treatment, like antiperspirant, to reduce sweating. Of course, if you feel like you may have a medical problem despite what this quiz says - you should consult a doctor!

    1. Pariser, D. M. (2014). Hyperhidrosis (4th ed., Vol. 32). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
    2. Huddle, J. R. (2014). Hyperhidrosis: Causes, Treatment Options and Outcomes. New York, NY: Nova Science.
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